Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blogspot's New Features

I found it first annoying, then interesting, that I had to have a google account to use e-blogger now. I've had a google account for several years, but I forgot I had it and forgot my password; therefore, I could not use my old password. Consequently, I had to create a new google account. I experimented with this site as far back as 2006 but always had trouble getting back to the dashboard. I'm hoping it will be easier this time around. I've never been a genius with this sort of thing, but I have always felt at least competent. I find this site challenging to say the least. In addition, I used this site as a hyperlink from a powerpoint tutorial some years back and found it frustrating that I could never figure out how to program my site so that it was not possible to go to the Next Blog feature. I'm sure it's quite easy. I just couldn't figure it out. Maybe it's been streamlined now so that feature is easier to find for beginners. I actually like the site; I just need more experience.

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