Monday, December 1, 2008

Did You Know? and Shifthappens

I found the newest version of Did You Know? at this YouTube link I tried unsuccessfully for 6 hours to download it to this blogspot which is why I just included the link instead of imbedding it. Any ideas anyone on how to embed the download into eblogger? On the I mainly checked out the link Other Presentations. I learned about how to think of the power of possibilities from Karl Fisch’s 2020 Vision video about how education might be changed by technology from now through the year 2020. It was pretty Orwellian. I was entertained by several of The Human Network Cisco Youtubes and also learned how technology continues to globally connect countries and cultures. They were so informative that I almost forgot they were ads. Wendy Drexler’s Networked Students Youtube was cute and thought-provoking, and I learned, or had a confirmation about how much more open students are to new technologies. The Two Million Minutes Trailer really castigates American education, and from it I learned that I’m not the only one concerned about how unaware many American students are of the competition they are facing in other countries. Maybe competition itself is getting to be an old-fashioned, nationalistic idea in this age of global cooperation, but I'm still patriotic enough to care about our national image. I particularly enjoyed TED Talks Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? In addition to being humorous, this video confirmed what I have learned from other sources: Public schools only educate a small portion of the human consciousness because public education was originally designed for industrialization and competition not global cooperation and connectivity. I also signed up for my own wikispace which will be fun to design. There's a little bit of kid left in all of us. I'm thinking of focusing on things you can download and use in a classroom which is why I named the space I want to use less print and more gadgets. You can get print anywhere, but you have to use the computer as a medium for gadgets. That's important. Students, I think, are more gadget oriented. Images and sounds are fun, even for us. I think most of us, especially if we are over thirty, have lived in a world of print-overload most of our lives. Learning to "read" images and sounds is a vital part of literacy in today's technouniverse. So my wikispace, I hope, will encourage the use of images and sounds rather than just print. I hope I don't have to eat my words since, frankly, I think in print. It's getting out of my comfort zone. I've heard that's a good move.

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